8/1/23 — Cash or Accural Method

Cash vs Accrual Accounting: Which Method is Best For Your Small Business? Choosing between cash and accrual accounting impacts how you record financial transactions. Understanding the differences can help select the best method for your business. Cash Accounting Basics With cash basis accounting, you log revenue when received and expenses when paid. This approach provides […]

7/25/23 — Summer Bookkeeping Tips: Stay Organized Amidst the Sunny Season

1. Streamline Expense Tracking Summer often includes additional expenses like travel, conferences, marketing events, team outings, and seasonal promotions. Carefully track all these costs through receipts and expense reports. Record them in your accounting system right away for hassle-free bookkeeping. Staying organized will also simplify tax preparation later. 2. Embrace Cloud-Based Accounting Software Consider migrating […]

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